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My Why

Have you ever attended an event that just electrified you to reach for the stars? I can officially say that I have! In January, I felt God nudge me towards a journey I never thought was possible. My husband and I were living paycheck to paycheck. The Lord ALWAYS provided, but we had been praying for our finances to become more stable and begin to put together a savings and no longer be strapped for cash. What I didn't see coming has become another beautiful part of my journey in this life.

God brought the world of Pampered Chef to my doorsteps. I have been buying small things here and there because I honestly couldn't afford the products I really wanted. Man alive, has God blown me away. It has been a roller coaster of success, disappointment and pure joy. My confidence in myself has skyrocketed, and the pride in being able to help out with the finances for my family has been rewarding. I am so bless to not only have a God who constantly provides for us, but He also blessed me with a husband who stands firmly behind me believing in me.

This past weekend we had our National Conference that just blew me away. I met so many incredible women with amazing stories. Women from all walks of life. I made friendships that will last a lifetime. I was overwhelmed with awe, and wanting to soak up everything that I was learning. I never really understood what it felt like to have so much support in being successful until this event. We were all there sharing ideas, and learning new things just to help one another become successful in our businesses.

As a stay at home mom, homeschooling my children, this event was exactly what I needed. It was the push I needed to reach for the stars. As I sat in the event, I felt the longing to reach for National Director. I texted my husband asking him to pray over that being a possibility. He said," go for it, and I am with you." I attended church this morning and God began to speak to me. I heard the words "I am your why." The biggest thing we discuss as a consultant is our WHY for joining the business. Until today, I always gave the basic answer "my family". In church, I came to the realization that my why is the Lord. He was the one who called me to join Pampered Chef.

As I continued to soak in the holy spirit, I heard God speak to me and him laid something else on my heart. I heard, "I am with you, National Director is my plan for you". When I started, I had no longing to go higher than Director, but as always, God has a different plan. I am giving God absolute control and letting Him do his thing. He has never abandoned me, so who am I to fear the future He has planned for me? Starting today, I will be reaching for the stars and thanking the Lord for all the incredible women that He has brought into my life as an incredible support system. Be blessed and know that God is always there, even when we don't see it.

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