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Homeschool Garden!

I have always wanted to grow my own vegetables. When I was younger, my grandpa had a big garden. We loved to go visit and help him with his garden when we were there. It's a memory I am quite fond of.

When I began to think of ways to make homeschool fun, this memory kept popping into my head. So, I decided to incorporate it into my homeschool curriculum. The first year we tried we were not very successful. We used basic gardening dirt and only had a few veggies actually make it. However, this last year for homeschool we decided to compost for the first time!

The kids and I were so excited! We saved all the left overs from onions, tomatoes, bananas, orange peels, egg shells, lettuce roots, and paper goods that did not have a glossy coating. The kids enjoyed gathering it all together and mixing it with the leftover soil in our raised beds. We covered it with a tarp and made sure it had plenty of moisture.

I had never experienced how composting effected the growth of one's plants until now. The garden this year has flourished. We planted tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos, and cilantro. We planted them early May after the frost (or so we thought). There were a couple times that we had to cover the plants so that they would not freeze. Turns out composting makes all the difference.

Our beautiful garden is growing out of control! The kids are so excited to have so many vegetables growing. I love seeing the joy on their faces. We will definitely keep up the composting.

Don't be afraid to get your kids outside and involved in things like gardening. It is an amazing teaching tool and a wonderful experience that

will serve them well later on in life.

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